A Year of Treasures

It’s been a long time since I posted anything to this blog.  Much of what has happened in a year is written on our hearts by God about His goodness and the strength of a little boy that won’t give up.  Most likely if you are reading this, then you already know about Witt and his amazing journey.   As I write this I hear Witt’s voice reacting to his mom’s loving voice.   Unless you are a part of the daily story that is the life of Witt you would never know the sacrifices that are now a part of a families daily routine.  Mel and Austan have become the parents that God KNEW they would be become.  The amazing provision of the Wee Dream family and the love that has surrounded the Lupher family throughout this process is a testament to a family that has touched lives in a powerful way.  We can admire and praise God sometimes without remembering the little things that make our lives the special things they are each day.  For me, God has posted His blog in my life through a little boy.  I can’t really remember a time without Witt in our family and that, I think is a good thing.  He is part of the memories that make family what it is.  We all grow and live through experiences that make us or break us.  We never anticipated Witt’s influence and God’s hand-crafted love through a little baby boy in our lives.  We also never anticipated the impact a little girl who was born on my 50th birthday would have on our lives as well.  She lives a different life than Witt, but no less special.  Her laughter and ability to make friends so easily in this world are compelling reasons to me that God has a great sense of humor.  Adelaide is a gifted little girl with a tremendous love for life and others.  I think the lesson we learn from their lives is that we can’t anticipate the events of tomorrow with certainty.  We can plan for the future, but only God knows what our days will look like.   Talk to you tomorrow…maybe.

~ by jimmccord on November 22, 2009.

One Response to “A Year of Treasures”

  1. good reflection of the year. so much to remember and take in.

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